What a great year for the American Society of Biomechanics. Our Society is growing, attendance at Annual Meetings has been strong, and we continue to think of new ways to bring value to our members. The Executive Board has been busy approving awards, planning meeting conference events, maintaining finances, coordinating affinity group and non-profit partner applications and activities, and thinking ahead to ASB 2025 and beyond.
Speaking of the Annual Meeting, we visited Madison, Wisconsin in February and held our mid-year Executive Board meeting. At the meeting, we made plans for board elections, finalized the renewed contract with Podium (ASB’s professional services partner), and were able to tour this year’s conference facilities. I’m excited for all members to see the facility and experience the beautiful view of Lake Monona from the conference center. For this year’s conference, ASB was able to secure grant support from NSF and NIH, which will expand travel awards for attendees. The conference program is being finalized and I look forward to seeing you there!
I want to close by taking time to thank all of our volunteers, including the Executive Board, committee members, and abstract reviewers. As a member driven society, we could not function, much less thrive without our volunteers. I cannot articulate the dedication of each member of the Executive Board. We are truly a blessed society to have such committed leadership. I encourage you to read the updates from other members of the Executive Board. It has been a privilege to serve with each of you.