ASB members come from academia, industry, clinical entities, and government agencies. At any time, there are 1000+ active members from 45+ states in the U.S., several Canadian provinces, and at least a dozen foreign countries.
Members Portal
Use the links below to manage your ASB membership through Membership Toolkit. On this site, you will be prompted to sign up or login. Note: this is a different login than the abstract submission/annual meeting registration portal.
Please contact:
ASB Secretary/Membership Chair if you have any questions about using or accessing the database.
ASB uses Membership Toolkit to manage ASB memberships. With your Membership Toolkit account, you’ll be able to pay annual membership dues, volunteer, order journals, donate to ASB, and more. Once an ASB member, you can also search the Directory to find other members in your area. All individual memberships expire at the end of the calendar year (Dec 31st), and thus should be renewed annually.
For any membership questions, please contact the Secretary/Membership Chair
Member Categories
ASB membership is for all individuals working in the biomechanics field, including our Corporate Sponsors who receive membership with their partnership. Members outside of academia provide important insight into the biomechanics community and this membership enhances networking opportunities for collaboration and migration between academics and industry.
The ASB has several types of individual membership:
Regular ($140)
Regular Members shall be individuals with an established professional reputation in biomechanics.
Early Career ($80)
This rate is for those individuals who have completed their terminal degree (BS, MS, PhD, DPT, MD, etc.) and have begun their career within 5 years of their terminal degree. No individual will be able to choose this category for more than 5 consecutive registrations.
NOTE: A member could pay the early career rate after completing a terminal degree, enter another educational program and pay the student rate, and then again pay the early career rate once completing their additional degree.
Student ($30)
Student Members shall be those College and University students with a demonstrated interest in biomechanics.
Retiree ($80)
This rate is for those individuals who have retired from professional employment.
Emeritus membership is reserved for long-standing members of the Society who have made substantial contributions to the Society (e.g. founding members, fellows), and are designated by the Executive Board. Please see Emeritus Criteria here.
Member Benefits

Eligibility for Awards & Grants

Special Interest Groups
- ASB Regional Conferences
- Student Chapters
- Access to join and support Affinity Groups, including the ASB Postdoc and Early Career Faculty Affinity Groups

Participation in the Society

Networking & Professional Development
- Exclusive membership directory access to connect with NSF and NIH Program Officers, corporate sponsors, collaborators, and more
- Career resources
- Outreach and mentoring opportunities
- Teaching repository

Discounted Rates
- Discounted rates on biomechanics-related journals, including: Clinical Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics, Gait & Posture, Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, and Journal of Applied Biomechanics.
- ASB annual meeting
- ASB Regional Conferences
ASB Code of Conduct
Membership in professional societies, including the American Society of Biomechanics, has implied expectations for ethical behavior in research, teaching, and service to all segments of society.
As a member of the American Society of Biomechanics, I shall:
- honor and respect the field of biomechanics by conducting myself responsibly, ethically, and lawfully.
- hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
- provide truthful, accurate, relevant and evidence-based information based upon my competence in the subject matter and knowledge of the facts and will disseminate without deception.
- abide by the basic principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice and comply with regulations in accordance with my institutional review board.
- endeavor to increase the knowledge in my discipline and within reasonable limits of time and finance, shall make available that knowledge, skill and training to the public for the benefit of all.
- disclose any conflicts of interest and will review the professional work of others fairly and in confidence.
- recognize the contributions of others and will not associate or allow the use of their name on enterprise known to be illegal, fraudulent or of questionable character.
- participate in activities contributing to the improvement of the biomechanics community.
ASB Emeritus Members
Emeritus member is reserved for long-standing members of the Society who have made substantial contributions to the Society (e.g. founding members), and are designated by the Executive Board.
Current Emeritus Members:
James G. Andrews
Anne E. Atwater
Barry T. Bates
Joan E. Bechtold
Frank L. Buczek
Don B. Chaffin
Paul DeVita
Steven A. Goldstein
Mark Grabiner
Robert J. Gregor
Joseph Hamill
Steven T. McCaw
Mary M. Rodgers
Robert Shapiro
Stephen A. Wainwright
Fred Werner
Charles C. Wunder
Felix E. Zajac