Competitive Grant Awards
About the Program
The Competitive Grant Program provides funding for research projects, travel to support research collaborations, and travel to the ASB Annual meeting. The applications and requirements for each award are described below. Please note that the grant program does not support any kind of indirect costs of research.
Junior Faculty Research Grant (JFRG)
The purpose of this program is to support early career ASB regular members pursuing biomechanics research by offering a source of research funding. The grants are distributed on a competitive basis and are intended to offset the costs directly associated with conducting research. Funds may be used for small equipment items, materials and supplies, and animal or participant costs, and $1000 can be used to support graduate student stipends or hourly pay (as of 2018), but no indirect costs of research. ASB anticipates awarding one grant of $5000 for a one-year period beginning in July each year.
Complete information about this award can be found at this link. Applications should be submitted electronically as one pdf document to the Awards Chair via the linked Google Form.
The deadline for submission: March 4, 2025.
Past JFRG Award Winners
2023 | Kristyne Wiegand | Determining the Effectiveness of Footwear as an Intervention for Plantar Fasciitis in Female Recreational Runners |
2022 | Gu Eon Kang | Assessing gait in stroke survivors with an implanted vagus nerve stimulation device |
2021 | Brittany Heintz Walters | Design and evaluation of a soft robot for hand rehabilitation |
2020 | Michael D. Harris | The Biomechanical Consequences of Femoral Version Deformity and Surgical Correction in Patients with Hip Dysplasia |
2019 | Robert D. Catena | Obstacle avoidance during pregnancy: determining the role of strength and joint position sense |
2018 | Natalie Holt | The effect of skeletal muscle activation on the force-length relationship: implications for crossbridge theory and musculoskeletal modelling |
2017 | Jacqueline H. Cole | Changes in the Osteovascular Niche Following Ischemic Stroke in Mice |
Graduate Student Research Grant
The purpose of this program is to support ASB student members in pursuing biomechanics research by offering a source of research funding. The grants are distributed on a competitive basis and are intended to offset the costs directly associated with conducting research. Funds may be used for small equipment items, materials and supplies, animal or participant costs (including participant travel), and statistical consulting services or other research services. Funds cannot be used to support researcher travel costs, salaries, or indirect costs of research. ASB anticipates the award of 3-5 grants of $2000, plus annual meeting registration waivers for each awardee, for a one-year period beginning in May each year.
To be eligible, students and their academic advisors must be members or student members of ASB. To meet the 2/15 deadline, it is recommended that membership applications and renewals are completed prior to 1/1. Active ASB member numbers are required in your grant application submission. Although students with the same academic advisor may apply, only one GIA per academic advisor will be granted each year.
Collaborative proposals (submitted by a team of graduate students) are allowable, however only $2,000 total can be requested, and each applicant must submit a biosketch (5 pages max). One letter of recommendation, commenting on the student team, should be submitted.
ASB Graduate Student Research Grants are not intended to support specific research needs which have already been financially supported through other funding mechanisms. Applicants are encouraged to describe current funding in their budget justification to make it clear that funding is still needed to support the project and does not duplicate funds that have already been allocated. At the time of award, applicants will confirm this and if budgeted items are no longer needed may be asked to alter their budget accordingly.
Application Requirements
A summary of the Graduate Student Research Grant requirements can be found below, please click here for detailed instructions. All applications must include the following:
- Title Page
- Research Proposal
- Specific Aims and Hypotheses (1 page)
- Research Strategy (3 pages)
- Significance/Background
- Innovation
- Approach
- Itemized budget with justification (1 page)
- Current and relevant references with in-text citations
- Applicant Biosketch (see template) (up to 5 pages)
- Letter of Recommendation from academic advisor
Formatting Requirements
- Use standard letter paper (page) size (8 ½” x 11”) with standard 1-inch margins.
- Font size should be no less than 11 (9 point font and single-spacing is permitted for figure captions, tables and references).
- Page numbers should be placed in the bottom right corner. The title page, biosketch, and letter of recommendation should not be numbered.
- Remain within stated page limits.
Applications that do not adhere to formatting guidelines or are incomplete will not be considered.
Applications will be evaluated using this rubric.
Submission Requirements
All components of the application should be combined into a single PDF file (including recommendation letter). Please name the PDF file “GIA####_LastNameFM”, where #### is the current year and FM are the first and middle name initials.
Applications will be submitted using this link.
It is expected that recipients will attend and present their research at the annual ASB meeting in the year following receipt of GIA funding. For example, awards received in May 2024 will submit an abstract for the 2025 meeting to present the awarded work in the summer of 2025.
Questions can be directed to the ASB Education Chair. An evaluation committee selected by the ASB Education Chair will review applications, with award decisions expected in April.
Deadline for submission: February 15.
Research Travel Grant
A Research Travel Grant is offered to foster collaborative research and interaction among scientists by helping to offset the cost of travel to a host institution. All ASB regular members are eligible to apply. Travel and lodging costs are covered. Budget requests may be up to $1500. Matching funds from the candidate’s or host’s institution are desirable, but not required. This grant is not for travel to the annual ASB meeting.
Applications must include:
- a cover letter
- current curriculum vitae
- letter from host indicating support for the travel
- a synopsis (2 pages maximum) describing the purpose of the travel and a detailed budget with justification
A short report (1 page maximum) explaining the significant outcomes of the travel must be submitted following the completion of the travel (to be published in the ASB newsletter).
Applications should be submitted electronically as one pdf document to the Awards Chair via the linked Google Form.
Deadline for submission: March 4, 2025.
Applicants will be reviewed on the criteria:
• Proposed collaboration (e.g., the ability of proposed collaboration to foster a new research relationship)
• Proposed research (e.g., quality and impact of proposed research plans)
• Budget (e.g., appropriate use of funds with a detailed budget)
• Institutional support (e.g., quality of institutional support for proposed collaboration, including indicating of matching funds when appropriate)
Past Research Travel Grant Winners
2023 | Karen Troy |
2022 | Robert Catena |
Student Travel Awards
Student Travel Awards are offered to help students attend the ASB annual meeting. To be eligible, one must be an ASB student member and must have authored an abstract for presentation at the annual meeting. If more than one application is received by students of the same advisor, only one will be funded. The award consists of a complimentary registration to the Annual Meeting.
Applications will be managed via the abstract submission form. Students will have the opportunity to check a box indicating their desire to be considered for a Student Travel Award. No specific materials will be required.
Abstracts ultimately must be accepted for presentation (podium or poster) at the annual meeting for students to be eligible and funding is contingent upon attendance at the annual meeting.
Student Travel Winners
Martins Amaechi, University of Nebraska Omaha
Rodolfo Amezcua-Cerda, University of Southern California
Anna Bailes, University of Pittsburgh
Lilla Caton, Penn State
Brooke Christensen, University of California, Irvine
Ashley Collimore, Boston University
Obinna Fidelis, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Aubrey Gray, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Madeline Grosklos, The Ohio State University
Kavya Katugam, Pennsylvania State University
Rucha Kulkarni, Northwestern University
Benjamin Lerch, Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Grant Maddox, University of Florida
Julia Manczurowsky, Northeastern University
Mariana Masteling, University of Michigan
Timothy McGinley, Drexel University
Kelsey Neal, University of Delaware
Ria Rao, Boston University
Reagan Recchia, University of Michigan
Ridhi Sahani, University of Virginia
Dylan Schmitz, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Oliver Silverson, University of Minnesota Medical School
Samantha Snyder, University of Maryland
Zoe Villamar, Northwestern University
Jordan Wilson, University of Dayton
Sarah Barron, University of Florida
Hannah Carey, West Virginia University
Morgan Dalman, North Carolina State University
Pawel Golyski, Georgia Institute of Technology
Seth Higgins, Oakland University
Blake Jones, East Carolina University
Grace Kellaher, University of Delaware
Haneol Kim, Georgia State University
Jennifer Leestma, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lauren Luginsland, Old Dominion University
Bradley Moore, Northwestern University and Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Amanda Munsch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University
Andrew Shelton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yu Song, University of Wyoming
Harper Stewart, University of Southern California
Whitney Wolff, University of Michigan
NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award
The NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award is designed to support students and early-career researchers who may not otherwise have the means to attend professional biomechanics conferences. This award provides financial assistance (provide free or reimbursed early-bird registration) to individuals from a wide range of academic and geographic backgrounds, particularly those with limited access to funding or professional development opportunities.
ASB anticipates awarding approximately 10 travel awards.
Questions and applications can be submitted electronically to the ASB Diversity Committee Chair. An evaluation committee selected by the ASB Diversity Committee Chair will review applications, with announcements of awards expected in June 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Be a student (undergraduate, graduate) or early-career professional within five years of degree completion.
- Demonstrate financial need or receive minimal institutional funding support.
- Come from an institution or region with fewer resources for biomechanics-related travel and research.
- Show a strong commitment to advancing biomechanics through research, outreach, mentorship, or education.
Both ASB members and non-members are eligible to apply, and individuals at any stage of their training are eligible.
Application Criteria
The application for the NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award must include the following information and reviewed for specific criteria:
Evaluation Criteria: Applicant Information
Number of Pages: 1 page single-spaced
Applicant information (including all that apply): name, address (include country), email, degree expected, program, institution, and academic advisor name and email.
- Keywords that describe your current or future research interests
Evaluation Criteria: Application
Number of Pages: 2 pages single-spaced
- Describe the individual circumstances (if any) that give you priority in receiving the NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award.
- Describe your experience and interest in biomechanics.
- How does ASB’s mission & vision (as stated above and on our web site) fit in with your personal experiences, goals, and future plans?
- How will being a 2025 ASB NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award recipient augment your opportunities at your home institution, and how do you plan to leverage this opportunity once you return home from the conference?
- For faculty/investigators: If you receive the travel award, how would it help with promoting professional development opportunities in ASB and promoting biomechanics at your institution? Please list specific objectives and give a corresponding timeline.
- Please include a current CV (not counted towards page limits)
- For student applicants: Please describe your future plans and how they may involve biomechanics. In addition, please provide a resume including cumulative/major GPA, general coursework, education/employment/volunteering history (not counted towards page limits)
Standard-size paper (8.5” x 11”) should be used, with margins of no less than 0.5 inch using Arial 11-point font. Not following the above guidelines may result in disqualification.
Application components should be combined into a single PDF file for transmission. Please name the PDF file NGB2025_LastNameFM (where FM are the first and middle name initials.)
All recipients will be given contact information for an assigned mentor and will be encouraged to communicate with them before, during, and after the conference. Those receiving a NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award are encouraged to attend the Bridges in Biomechanics Luncheon (Date/Time TBD). During the pre-conference discussion, mentors will explain how the conference “works” to the recipient so they can be prepared. In addition, ASB NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award winners may be invited to participate in the planning and running of the 2025 annual meeting and future ASB meetings at the discretion of the program chair. Following the meeting, recipients are asked to report back to ASB regarding the experience by February 28, 2026. Recipients should report on what they accomplished at the meeting and following their return to their home institution as a result of the travel award. We expect that these reports will be publicly distributed in ASB newsletters or on the ASB website at the discretion of the ASB Diversity Committee & Communications Chairs. Priority in who receives an ASB NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award will be given to those individuals who have not previously received this award. The deadline for submission of ASB NextGen Biomechanics Travel Award applications is May 31, 2025, at 5 PM ET.
Questions and applications can be submitted electronically to the ASB Diversity Committee Chair ( An evaluation committee selected by the ASB Diversity Committee will review applications, with announcements of awards expected by June, 2025.
Download information on the awards, eligibility and application process in PDF format HERE.
Deadline for submission: May 31, 2025, 5 PM ET.
Up and Comer Award
The new Up and Comer Award, sponsored by the Asian◆American Institute for Research and Education (ASIAM) along with the ASB Council of Fellows, is intended to foster mentoring and networking of post-doctoral trainees and early career faculty with ASB Fellows having similar research interests. To encourage diversity and inclusion in biomechanics, applicants should identify as being from an underrepresented group with preference given to applicants from institutions that are HBCU / minority serving.
For 2025, awardees will receive $1,000 to support travel to visit with their ASB Fellow mentor and free registration to ASB Annual Meeting, August 13 – 16, 2025, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Approximately three post-doctoral and three early career faculty awards are anticipated.
An evaluation committee selected by the ASB Council of Fellows will review applications, with announcements of awards expected by March 28, 2025.
To be eligible, an applicant must be a member of ASB and identify as being from any group that has been historically disadvantaged or under-represented in research disciplines. Eligibility is based on NIH guidelines as follows:
The goal of this award is to promote diversity in the Biomechanics research workforce. It is recognized that underrepresentation can vary by experience and from setting to setting and includes racial or ethnic groups, disability, disadvantaged backgrounds, or related hardships.
Submission Materials
- Full CV with educational history, research experience, and service accomplishments
- One-page (maximum) cover letter briefly describing:
- Current career stage and position (Post-doc or Early Career Faculty)
- Identify your eligibility as being from an underrepresented group (see below)
- Career goals in Biomechanics
- Barriers which support a need for mentorship
- Areas for mentorship and potential mentors (name 2-3 ASB Fellows), describing how the mentorship activities (name 1-2) will advance your career. Here are some sample activities:
- Regular meetings with the ASB Fellow mentor
- In-person visit with ASB Fellow (and laboratory team)
- Virtual visit(s) with ASB Fellow (and laboratory team)
- Joint laboratory meeting(s) with ASB Fellow (and laboratory team)
Applications should be submitted electronically as one pdf document to the Awards Chair via the linked Google Form.
Deadline for submission: March 4, 2025.
Up and Comer Award Winners
- Erica A Bell, Mayo Clinic
- Frankie Wade, University of Illinois
- Christopher Nagelli, Mayo Clinic – Fellow mentor: Ted Gross
- Manuel Enrique Hernandez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – Fellow mentor: Jill McNitt-Gray
- Diba Mani, University of Florida — Fellow mentor: Paul DeVita
- Brooke Odle, Hope College — Fellow mentor: Darryl Thelen
- Hugo Giambini, The University of Texas at San Antonio — Fellow mentor: James Ashton-Miller