
Join us at the annual meeting to hear from renowned speakers in the field of biomechanics.

Keynote Speakers

Robert Guldberg

Robert Guldberg

University of Oregon

Title: Advances in Regenerative Rehabilitation and the Human Performance Alliance

Robert Guldberg is Director of the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact and Vice President of the University of Oregon. A serial entrepreneur and internationally renowned bioengineer, Guldberg’s research is focused on musculoskeletal mechanobiology, regenerative medicine, and orthopaedic medical devices.  His work has resulted in six start-ups and he is a member of the National Academy of Inventors.  Dr. Guldberg is past Chair of the Americas Chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society and currently serves on the Leadership Council of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, a $220 million initiative to promote peak performance through scientific discovery and innovation. 

Follow @UOKnightCampus on X.

Leena Sharma

Leena Sharma

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Dr. Sharma is the Chang-Lee Professor of Preventive Rheumatology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine, PI of Northwestern’s NIAMS-funded Core Center for Clinical Research, and Director of the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute Multidisciplinary Career Development Program (KL2).  The overarching goals of Dr. Sharma’s research program are to advance novel approaches to prevent disease and disability development and progression in persons at high risk for or with knee osteoarthritis.  Through longitudinal studies of persons at high risk, she and her team seek to shift the initiation of disability prevention efforts to earlier stages, when individuals are well enough to execute them, before the whole-organ, downward spiral of osteoarthritic disease progression.  Her interdisciplinary team has examined the role in osteoarthritis disease progression and functional decline of an array of mechanical factors, including varus-valgus alignment, frontal and sagittal plane instability, joint proprioceptive acuity, quantitative characteristics of gait, knee and hip muscle strength, meniscal damage, and other tissue factors by MRI.

Follow @NM_Rheumatology @NUFeinbergMed and @NorthwesternMed on X.

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