Meeting Awards

At each Annual Meeting, ASB honors excellence in research presented at the meeting. Individual meeting awards are selected based on the quality of the abstract submissions and oral presentations (Journal of Biomechanics and Clinical Biomechanics Awards) or the quality of a poster presentation (President’s Award). The winners of the meeting awards are announced at the close of the meeting.  Please note that the awards do not support any kind of indirect costs of research.


Recognizes substantive and conceptually novel mechanics approaches explaining how biological systems function.

Past Journal of Biomechanics Winners
Developmental plasticity of muscle architecture in response to chronic limb loading
Kavya Katugam-Dechene; Talayah Johnson; Stephen Piazza; Jonas Rubenson

Direct intraoperative length-tension measurements of human gracilis muscle
Benjamin I. Binder-Markey, Lomas S. Persad, Alexander Y. Shin, William Litchy, Kenton R. Kaufman, and Richard L. Lieber

Exploring the functional boundaries and metabolism of triceps surae force-length relations during walking
Callum J. Funk, Rebecca L. Krupenevich, Gregory S. Sawicki, and Jason R. Franz

Katherine Knauss and Silvia Blemker, University of Virginia

Olivia M. G. Aguiar, et al, Simon Fraser University


Recognizes outstanding new biomechanics research targeting a contemporary clinical problem.

Past Clinical Biomechanics Award

Two minutes is sufficient to characterize the viscoelastic properties of the human lower birth canal during the first stage of labor
Mariana Masteling; John DeLancey; James Ashton-Miller

Characterization of elbow flexion recovery following surgery for traumatic brachial plexus injury
Eric J. Noonan, Sandesh G. Bhat, Griffin Mess, Emily Miller, Paul Kane, Alexander Y. Shin, Kenton R. Kaufman


Redistribution of muscular work by children with cerebral palsy walking in crouch
Anahid Ebrahimi, Michael Schwartz, Jack Martin, Tom Novacheck, and Darryl Thelen


Nicholas Kreter, et al, University of Utah


Stephan Bodkin and Joseph Hart, University of Virginia

President’s Award

Recognizes the best abstract/poster during Annual ASB Meeting.

Past President's Award Winners
The increase in frontal-plane ankle stiffness with weight-bearing is sensitive to ankle posture
Zoe Villamar, Prakash Jayabalan, Eric Perreault, Daniel Ludvig

Human navigation of complex curvilinear paths
Anna Render and Jonathan Dingwell

SHH! Quiet Running Promotes Sustained Reduction in Ground Reaction Force
Kevin Dames, Darah Rothstein, Larissa True, and Jacqueline Augustine
SUNY Cortland & New Mexico State University

Cesar Castano and Helen Huang, University of Central Florida

Peter Fino and Martina Mancini, Oregon Health & Science University

Three-Minute Thesis Graduate Student Competition

Past Three-Minute Thesis Graduate Student Competition Winners

Winner: Mariana Masteling, University of Michigan
Runner-up: Caroline Simpkins, Georgia State University

ASB Faculty Scholars Award

How to apply

The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Faculty Scholars Award is new in 2024. The purpose of the Faculty Scholars Award is to expand the impact of the Annual Meeting (August 5 –8, 2024, in Madison, WI) by supporting the attendance of participants from geographical areas, institution types, and topic areas that are not commonly represented in our meeting or our membership. ASB anticipates providing approximately 5 awards of roughly $1100 to assist with conference registration, travel, lodging and meals.

Please fill out the Faculty Scholars Award Application to be considered (10 brief questions and a <250-word statement).

Deadline for submission: July 2, 2024, 11:59 PM your local time.

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