Regional Meetings
The American Society of Biomechanics is committed to enhancing the educational and research experiences of graduate students.
ASB regional meetings are student centered gatherings which provide opportunity for students, mentors, and other researchers to network and build collaborations as well as to practice scientific communication in a low key, supportive environment. Regional meetings can take a variety of formats from single day events, to Friday evening and Saturday gatherings, or even full weekends. It is intended that these be inexpensive for students but be carefully organized to provide an interactive experience of considerable value for participants.
ASB support for regional meetings will be distributed to several applying organizations in most years. We particularly encourage new organizing groups to apply for funding and urge groups that have previously received several rounds of funding from ASB for a regional meeting to find additional sources for major support.
To apply for ASB support for a regional meeting, submit an application with the following information:
- Contact person, address, phone and email
- Name of the host institution and address
- Fiscal agent: Name, title and mailing address of the person responsible for handling grant funds at the applicant’s institution and the name to which the check should be made payable
- Location/Date information – what region will be represented, number of expected participants, past experience hosting ASB regional meetings at location, difficulty to travel, distance/timing considerations from other regional activities
- Program information – speakers, session types, dates, ASB/biomechanics relevance and recognition
- Budget and explanation – consider anticipated costs, include all honoraria, travel, lodging, worker payments, facilities, food/refreshment expenses, etc… Provide a detailed justification of these expenses. Include anticipated financial contributions from industry sponsors, hosting institutions, etc. and justify the request for funding from ASB.
- Student considerations – Describe how this meeting will benefit students. Regional meetings should have low or no cost registration for students, offer networking opportunities, and other various student-centered programming.
For its support of a regional meeting, ASB expects that the meeting will be student centered with minimal costs for student participants. ASB will be highlighted during the meeting as a major sponsor with students encouraged to become members of the society and encouraged to attend the national ASB meeting. Moreover, “ASB” or “Biomechanics” should be part of the regional meeting name. Regional meetings are generally held between January and May so as not to conflict with the national ASB meeting during the summer months. Please note that all funds from ASB should be spent directly on meeting-related expenses, no indirect costs are permitted.
ASB anticipates funding 3-5 regional meetings each year, for an amount not exceeding $2,000 per meeting. Deadline for submission of a regional meeting application is September 30 each year. Submit applications electronically to the ASB Education Chair.