Individual Oral & Poster Submissions

The American Society of Biomechanics is accepting individual oral and poster abstract submissions for the ASB 2024 Annual Meeting to be held August 5 – 8, 2024 in Madison, WI at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.  Submissions related to biomechanics are invited for submission following the guidelines listed below.

Submission are now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted! 

Key Dates

January 23, 2024 – Call for individual oral and poster submissions open

March 18, 2024 – Deadline for individual oral and poster submissions

March 19, 2024 – Review process begins

May 2024 – All notifications of acceptance/rejection have been sent via email. Please check your inbox (including your junk folder) or login to the ASB Conference Manager system using the same credentials used to submit your abstract. Please note that presentation types have not yet been confirmed! You will receive separate communication from us about your presentation type. 

June 2024 – Anticipated program released

Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

We will offer a three-minute thesis (3MT) competition at the upcoming ASB 2024 meeting. Graduate students submitting abstracts to the meeting interested in participating in the 3MT competition are strongly encouraged to check the box on the abstract submission page. Winner(s) of the 3MT contest will receive a $300 check.

3MT presentations should cover the entire body of work in a participant’s dissertation and not a singular study. Participation in the 3MT competition is separate from any accepted presentation(s) for the annual meeting.

New this year: Interested students will be contacted shortly after the abstract submission deadline and asked to provide additional information to help the Awards Committee select finalists for the upcoming meeting. Finalists will be informed in May.

Submitters will be notified in late May as to the acceptance of their submission.  If you do not hear from us by the end of May, please contact us via email and include the Abstract ID number.

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