Individual Oral & Poster Submissions
The American Society of Biomechanics is accepting individual oral and poster abstract submissions for the ASB 2025 Annual Meeting to be held August 13 – 16, 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Submissions related to biomechanics are invited following the guidelines listed below.
Submissions opened December 20, 2024
Key Dates
December 20, 2024 – Call for individual oral and poster submissions open
February 25, 2025 – Deadline for individual oral and poster submissions (no extensions will be granted)
February 26, 2025 – Review process begins
May 2025 – Submission decisions to be communicated via email
Mid-June 2025 – Anticipated program released
Sign up to be a reviewer!
Click here for more information
Download Template
- Download the ASB 2025 Abstract Template below, complete it, and save as a pdf
- Do not adjust the margins or font on the template
- All abstract submission must use the template and stay within the one (1) page maximum
Prepare to answer
- Title of the submission (max 255 characters). Please use sentence case only for the title (capitalize the first letter of the title and lower case for all other letters unless required) and do not include a period (.) at the end of the title
- A short abstract summary to introduce and highlight the submission. This may be used to promote the submission in the meeting program, website or meeting app (max 1000 characters)
- Preferred presentation format: Oral/Poster or Poster Only (If you submit a proposal for an oral/poster your submission will be considered for either format; if you select poster and the abstract is accepted, you will present a poster no matter the abstract score)
- Your name, affiliation/institution and email address as the submitter and contact for the submission
- The names, affiliations and email addresses for all authors in the order they are to appear in the program
- Name of presenting author
- Membership information, including member level and membership number
- Position/Level of presenter (Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, PostDoc, Early Career Faculty, Established Faculty, Industry, Science Policy, Other)
- Indicate interest in being considered for a student abstract award or the Three-Minute Thesis competition
- If the abstract is supported by an ASB Graduate Student Research Grant (formerly Grant-in-aid) (GSRG)
- Submission theme(s)/keyword(s) that best matches your research (choose up to 3). Note, the keywords will be used to determine session placement. Please choose the most specific terms to enhance session cohesiveness.
- Submit the abstract via ASB’s online abstract management system. As part of the submission process you will be required to upload your .pdf using the required abstract template
Note – The American Society of Biomechanics expects that all submissions represent original work that have not been previously presented elsewhere. While the ASB encourages authors to further develop their works into full length journal publications, the ASB expects that authors of ASB abstracts not send those same abstracts to other national or international conferences. Should there be new data as part of an ongoing study, we welcome the submission.
ASB 2025 Themes/Keywords
Animals and Comparative
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Balance and Posture
Education and Outreach in Biomechanics
Ergonomics and Occupational Biomechanics
Impact Biomechanics and Trauma
Medical Devices
Methods Development and Validation
Military and Veteran’s Health
Movement Disorders
Muscle Mechanics
Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation
Neuroscience and Motor Control
Orthopaedic Biomechanics
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Slips, Trips and Falls
Sports Biomechanics and Injuries
Tissue and Organ Biomechanics
Trunk and Spine
Upper Limb
Wearable Sensors and IoT
Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
We will offer a three-minute thesis (3MT) competition at the upcoming ASB 2025 meeting. Graduate students submitting abstracts to the meeting interested in participating in the 3MT competition are strongly encouraged to check the box on the abstract submission page. Winner(s) of the 3MT contest will receive a $300 check.
3MT presentations should cover the entire body of work in a participant’s dissertation and not a singular study. Participation in the 3MT competition is separate from any accepted presentation(s) for the annual meeting.
Interested students will be contacted shortly after the abstract submission deadline and asked to provide additional information to help the Awards Committee select finalists for the upcoming meeting. Finalists will be informed in May.
Submitters will be notified in late May as to the acceptance of their submission. If you do not hear from us by the end of May, please contact us via email and include the Abstract ID number.