NBD 2023 Presents A Biomechanics Parable
(no, really, we do…keep reading)
Why is it that some people say, “It can’t be done?” Well, probably because it can’t. But did we let that stop us? Of course not and never would we. So, we did it! We created the first Biomechanics Parable. Ah, can a science even be a science without a parable to back it up? We might as well say, “No,” since we now have a, “succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse, that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles.” And does it ever with its all-persuasive moral! Hopefully, you are reading this on a Friday afternoon and you would like nothing more than an hearing and seeing an unexpected, uplifting, and unusual excursion into our first parable; perhaps even be inspired to write the second parabolic opus! Ready…go…
(We’ll wait, the parable is only a few minutes)
Wow, the Big Bang and Biomechanics! Whodda thunk? We hope you enjoyed our parable but even more so, we hope it inspired you to reach out to the younger crowd and invite them to your labs for a fun NBD 2023 celebration. It is truly amazing how enjoyable are NBD events. You know what we say, “there are more smiles on more faces…,” and you can certainly see approximately 1,000,000,000 of them here. We warmly invite all Biomechanists to participate in the Worldwide celebration of our Breakthrough Science. Your lab students will love it as will your high school visitors. And as will you when in a few years you start getting undergrads in your Biomechanics courses who enjoyed previously NBD. Students who energetically and enthusiastically take your physics and math based expressions of biological physics. We’re pretty sure that one day, every Biomechanist will participate in NBD and we will all change the world together through our worldwide, synchronized celebrations of all things Biomechanics.
Please visit our website here and register for NBD 2023 here.
The NBD 2023 grant applications are being evaluated at this writing and the recipients will be announced soon (if they haven’t already been).
Thank you very much and we hope to see you on the other side (whatever that means),
Paul DeVita