ASB continues to be in excellent financial health as we head into the busy annual meeting and awards season! The society will provide another incredible number of awards this year – stay tuned to see the totals during the ASB Business Meeting on Friday, August 11th. The current budget actuals are positive as we move towards finalizing the revenue and expenses for the annual meeting, which is the largest portion of the society’s budget.

Awards & Grants:
Nike has generously provided a $25,000 grant to be put towards the B-SURE program. With these additional funds, along with those budgeted by ASB, the society will distribute 6 B-SURE internships this summer!

Membership has reached 1,000 members – this is an exciting milestone for the society.

Looking forward:
We are excited to distribute the many awards and grants during the Annual Meeting and give back to all our members, from students to senior members. Congratulations to all the award and grant recipients!

† Journal subscriptions are a pass through
*Includes Annual Meeting communications