We also saw a nice increase in member related donations. Donations can be made during your membership renewal process or at any time throughout the year. Details on donating may be found here.
We have distributed many of our society related awards and will move into the busy conference awards season shortly. Stay tuned for updates during the Annual Business meeting on the last day of the meeting in Madison.
Looking forward:
As we continue in 2024 there will be some additional revenue generating initiatives for the society, including the member designed t-shirt sale. Make sure your buy your ASB swag here! Make sure to read our monthly e-blasts for additional information on how to buy!
The society continues to review its financial health and has opened a money market account helping to earn immediately accessible interest. After a thorough review, the Executive Board has voted and the society will be partnering with a new investment firm with great experience in non-profit planning. I look forward to seeing you in Madison!
† Journal subscriptions are a pass through
*Includes Annual Meeting communications