Participant Research Study

The American Society of Biomechanics is continuing the in-meeting Participant Research Study, which was first successfully piloted at the 2012 ASB annual meeting. Our annual meetings are attended by many experimentalists who appreciate the difficulty of obtaining large test subject sample sizes. Please make time to visit the participant research study and participate if possible.

2024 Participant Research Study

The Participant Research Study was submitted to, and selected by, the program committee for inclusion at the annual meeting.  The research group, listed below, will be collecting data during the annual meeting, on August 6th to 8th at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center. All registered ASB delegates are encouraged to visit, learn more, and participate in this important research. Advance registration is not required, simply stop by the allocated space to be considered.

Open Dataset Collection of Normative Video-Based Biomechanics on Functional Mobility

R. James Cotton, Matty Major, Trisha Kesar, Scott Uhlrich, Scott Delp

We propose to collect a normative dataset of a battery of mobility outcomes on-site during the upcoming ASB 2024 conference, which we will release as a resource for the community. We will also launch a biomechanically-oriented computer vision competition to stimulate the development of algorithms to produce accurate kinematic analysis from single camera views and activity recognition for the function tasks along with automated scoring of clinical tests.

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