Participant Research Study

The American Society of Biomechanics is continuing the in-meeting Participant Research Study, which was first successfully piloted at the 2012 ASB annual meeting. Our annual meetings are attended by many experimentalists who appreciate the difficulty of obtaining large test subject sample sizes. Please make time to visit the participant research study and participate if possible.

Important Points

  • Meeting attendee participation in a research study is voluntary and not mandatory
  • Investigators will use their own funds to sponsor the proposed study. ASB will not provide any financial support for the study
  • Any member of the study team coming to the ASB Annual Meeting will be required to register as a meeting attendee
  • Preliminary results from approved studies are expected to be presented at the subsequent Annual Meeting of ASB
  • The Principal Investigator must be an ASB member in good standing
  • If the research is affiliated with a company (e.g. the Principal Investigator holds an industry position, is supported in any way by the company, or has a personal stake in the company), additional conditions apply:
    • There is a distinction between “research” and “product development”. Research is defined as being both systematic and generalizable, and would qualify as the sort of information that could/should be presented in an abstract to a subsequent Annual Meeting.   In contrast, product development is specific to a particular product and has little value to the outside biomechanics community.  For example, validation of a particular method/approach may be considered “research”, while validation of a specific singular device or software package that implements that method would be considered “product development”. Proposals may cover research, but not product development.
    • Any time companies are sponsoring research, whether in collaboration with an academic partner or on their own, all conflicts of interest should be clearly disclosed and all funding sources should be obvious to participants
  • For questions or clarification, please contact the ASB Program chair directly before the submission deadline via email


  • Submissions open November 1, 2024. We look forward to reviewing the submissions.

Study Design

  • Research study topics, methodology (e.g., kinematics, kinetics, EMG, imaging, survey, etc.), and subject compensation are open to the discretion of the investigators
  • Experimental protocols must be short so as to minimize impact on meeting attendee’s time (1-20 minutes per subject)
  • Investigators are expected to make their own arrangements for necessary experimental equipment. Investigators may use their own equipment, or partner with investigator(s) near the meeting venue (e.g., the David L. Lawrence Convention Center) or vendors/exhibitors that plan to attend the meeting
  • The number of available testing hours and/or testing days will depend on the number and types of proposed studies and the available facilities
  • Investigators must obtain IRB approval from their home institution. IRB approval is not necessary at the time of proposal submission, but must be approved before the Annual Meeting and submitted to the aforementioned ASB chair a minimum of two weeks before the meeting start.
    • In addition, experimental protocols must be performed at the meeting venue (i.e., the David L. Lawrence Convention Center) and thus should follow all necessary health and safety guidelines:
    • With that stipulation, investigators need only work with their own institution’s IRB office and do not require additional local ethics committee review
  • Selected applications will work with the ASB local organizers to address logistical issues

Proposal Format

  • Proposals should be no more than 5 pages (single spaced), not including references
  • Proposals must include the following:
    • Title, Investigator names, Institutions, Contact information for the PI
    • Clear disclosure of any relevant corporate affiliations / sponsorship
    • Affirmation that PI is an ASB member in good standing (regular or student)
    • Description of research study that includes at a minimum:
      • Background/significance
      • Experimental approach including:
        • Intended subject demographics, recruitment plans/needs, and desired number of total test subjects
        • Experimental methodology
        • Expected test subject time commitment
        • Desired number of testing hours and/or testing days (minimum and preferred)
        • Plans/needs for experimental testing facility and/or equipment
        • Collaborations with other investigator(s) or vendors/exhibitors, if applicable
        • Plans for obtaining IRB approval
        • Plans for subject compensation or no compensation
        • Expected source of funding, if necessary
        • Statement of potential conflicts of interest
  • Submissions are due by December 19, 2024 for consideration

Review Process

  • Proposals will be evaluated by the ASB Program Committee
  • Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality and feasibility of the proposal and appropriateness for the ASB research community
  • Submissions are due by December 19, 2024
  • The PI will be notified by January 19, 2025 if the project is approved

The number of approved projects will depend on proposed study designs and facility requirements.

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