Student Membership
There are currently 350+ student members of ASB. More than half of the 40th annual ASB meeting attendees in Raleigh were students. In addition to events at national and regional meetings, there are many programs in ASB specifically aimed at students.
Benefits of student membership
Students make up an important contingent of ASB. At the ASB annual meeting, there are events specifically designed for students, including the ASB student networking events (which include a round table discussions with speakers regarding topics of interest to students) and the ASB student night out (an opportunity for students to unwind and network with each other in a casual atmosphere). Beyond the annual meeting, ASB students are engaged throughout the year through virtual seminar talks, extended mentorship opportunities, and Student Chapters at their home universities.

An annual mentoring program occurs at the annual meeting and is designed to help students establish a professional network and to allow students to seek advice regarding educational or career objectives. Additionally, a mentoring database is being developed to extend these mentorship opportunities beyond the annual meeting and create lasting relationships across career levels of ASB members.

Members receive discounted prices on subscriptions to biomechanics journals, discounted registration fees at ASB annual meetings, and are eligible to apply for ASB funding opportunities designed specifically for students.

Opportunities include the Student Travel Award for attending the annual meeting, and the Grant-In-Aid program that funds graduate research.

In addition to participation in the mentoring program, a membership in ASB facilitates networking with colleagues sharing common interests.
ASB Code of Conduct
Membership in professional societies, including the American Society of Biomechanics, has implied expectations for ethical behavior in research, teaching, and service to all segments of society. Student members are expected to follow the same Code of Conduct as all professional members of ASB.
As a member of the American Society of Biomechanics, I shall:
- honor and respect the field of biomechanics by conducting myself responsibly, ethically, and lawfully.
- hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
- provide truthful, accurate, relevant and evidence-based information based upon my competence in the subject matter and knowledge of the facts and will disseminate without deception.
- abide by the basic principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice and comply with regulations in accordance with my institutional review board.
- endeavor to increase the knowledge in my discipline and within reasonable limits of time and finance, shall make available that knowledge, skill and training to the public for the benefit of all.
- disclose any conflicts of interest and will review the professional work of others fairly and in confidence.
- recognize the contributions of others and will not associate or allow the use of their name on enterprise known to be illegal, fraudulent or of questionable character.
- participate in activities contributing to the improvement of the biomechanics community