
The pre-meeting workshops will take place on Monday, August 5th, 2024 at the Monona Terrace Convention Center and are open to all registered ASB attendees. Workshops are NOW AVAILABLE for attendees to register for during their meeting registration. Workshop registration can also be added closer to the meeting dates, assuming space is still available. Please note, some workshops may have limits on number of attendees.

WS1: Fundamentals of inertial measurement units (IMU’s) for biomechanical data capture

August 5th, 2024, 9:00am – 1:00pm

Stephen Cain 1, Jocelyn Hafer 2
1 West Virginia University, 2 University of Delaware

Workshop Overview

The use of IMUs in biomechanics is growing due to their relatively low cost, portability, accessible data collection procedures, and ability to capture data where optical motion capture cannot. Despite increased use, resources and guidelines for fundamental data preparation and processing procedures are limited and may be challenging for non-experts to understand. This lack of accessible resources results in inconsistent application and reporting of IMU methods and can make it difficult for new users to select and apply appropriate methods. The goal of this workshop is to provide a conceptual and practical foundation in fundamental best practices for implementing inertial measurement units (IMUs) in biomechanics research. Topics will include sensor/system selection (attributes of commercially available sensors and systems), sensor calibration, sensor fusion for orientation calculation, sensor-to-segment alignment, and data visualization/interpretation. We will utilize demonstrations to describe fundamental IMU processing procedures and will provide participants with hands-on experience in implementing them. Participants will work in small groups using commercially available IMUs to collect data and perform common processing procedures using MATLAB code provided by the workshop organizers. Attendees will learn how to (1) check sensor calibration and correct data if needed; (2) use open-source sensor fusion algorithms for calculation of sensor orientation; (3) calculate/define sensor-to-segment alignment; and (4) verify that the previous procedures were applied properly via data visualization and interpretation. Attendees should bring laptops that can run MATLAB software to this workshop. Code used in hands-on examples will be provided (with references when applicable).

WS2: Developing a networking strategy for YOU: A how-to-network workshop for maximizing value of the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting

August 5th, 2024, 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Kurt Beschorner 1, Anna Bailes 1, Robin Queen 2, Christopher Wilburn 3
1 University of Pittsburgh, 2 Virginia Tech, 3 Auburn University

Workshop Overview

This 4-hour workshop will develop and enhance the networking skills of attendees. Attendees should come ready to engage since they will be practicing their newly developed skills. The interactive workshop is designed to enable attendees with diverse personalities and professional goals to customize a networking strategy that works best for them. The workshop will begin by discussing misconceptions of networking, benefits of networking, and common failure modes of networking. The workshop will then guide attendees to develop personalized strategies to maximize the value of networking interactions for their personalities and achieve their individual objectives. Attendees will have the opportunity to develop an “elevator pitch” (brief introduction of themselves) and practice it during a speed-networking event. Finally, the event will conclude with an interactive discussion with an experienced panel of ASB members. While we anticipate that all meeting attendees can benefit from the workshop, it is designed for students and other early career biomechanists. This workshop is timely considering the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on early career professionals’ development of networking skills. After completing the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge to be able to: 1) identify personal barriers and personalized solutions to their individual networking style; 2) assess how their personality traits enable them to become an outstanding networker; 3) recall best practices of networking; 4) have a well-developed elevator pitch, and 5) knowhow to initiate conversations with those they do not know. The knowledge gained from this workshop can be immediately used in the opening reception and throughout the remainder of the meeting.

WS3: AI in the classroom: an unseen force

August 5th, 2024, 9:00am – 1:00pm

 JJ Wallace 1, Matt Wittstein 2, Kristyne Wiegand 3, Dustin Bruening 4, Tara Diesbourg 5, Allison Altman-Singles 6
1 Transylvania University, 2 Elon University, 3 Eastern Washington University, 4 Brigham Young University, 5 Oakland University, 6 Penn State Berks 

Workshop Overview

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a ubiquitous technology, gaining $100 billion in revenue in 2023, with a predicted twentyfold increase by 2030. Its expanding influence extends to education, with a predicted 36% increase across various education-related sectors like learning platforms, virtual facilitators, and intelligent tutoring (AI In Education Market Size & Share Report, 2022-2030; Global Artificial Intelligence Market Size, 2021-2030). Given this rapid rise in usage, it is imperative that educators are informed on AI technology and can ensure that students are taught how to engage with this technology responsibly and ethically. This workshop aims to demystify AI, equip participants with the knowledge to use AI in the classroom, and ultimately empower our students to use AI appropriately. The examples used can be easily transitioned into relevant coursework that can be implemented by all participants.

The proposed structure of the workshop includes (1) an introduction, which will provide attendees with foundational AI knowledge and an overview of the types of AI being used; (2) case studies to engage in peer learning and explore AI’s utility in the classroom; (3) a hands-on activity to allow for the usage and practice of AI; and (4) a conclusion to discuss ethical considerations and future directions. Specific topics of interest include the usage of AI for tasks such as writing, course development, and student success strategies. Emphasis will be on the use of AI in education, accompanied by insights related to personal pedagogical practice.

Timely and essential in the face of rising AI usage, this workshop aims to empower educators and students with the knowledge and skills to harness AI responsibly and address potential ethical challenges.

WS4: Federal Funding for Biomechanics Research

August 5th, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Jennifer Jackson 1, Toyin Ajisafe 1, Lyndon Joseph 1, Lucy Zhang 2, Stephanie George 2
1 National Institutes of Health, 2 National Science Foundation

Workshop Overview

The federal government funds biomechanics research and has numerous available funding opportunities across multiple agencies. This workshop will include representatives from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). They will present information on research programs and initiatives, and training and career development opportunities. Focus areas will include the relationships between program and review at each agency, application fit for NIH vs NSF, and expectations of applicants.

Federal representatives attend conferences like ASB to meet with attendees, answer applicant or grantee questions, disseminate funding opportunities, and learn about cutting-edge science. Some federal representatives may be able to facilitate new collaborations by connecting people performing similar research or addressing related research questions using a different strategy. Attendees will have opportunities during the workshop and the conference to reach out to these individuals for additional information or with questions.

After short presentations by designated agency speakers, there will be an open panel discussion and Q&A, followed by table discussions with panelists. Contact information will be provided. This workshop is appropriate for researchers of all career stages. Presentations will be geared toward early career researchers, while the open panel discussion may be helpful for all researchers. Participants will gain basic understanding of the federal funding application and review processes, as well as similarities and differences between the respective funding agencies. Speakers will bring unique perspectives on how and where to apply for funding.

WS5: Re-examining “the way things have always been done” – a paradigm shift in conducting research with diverse populations

August 5th, 2024, 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Alexa Johnson 1, Frankie Wade 2, Caitlin Banks 3, Kayla Seymour 4
1 University of Michigan, 2 International Women in Biomechanics, 3 Kennedy Krieger Institute;  Johns Hopkins University, 4 Black Biomechanics Association

Workshop Overview

Human biomechanics research has a history of convenience sampling, with the majority of foundational studies occurring in college-aged healthy white males. While there is a recognized need to study diverse populations in order to increase the generalizability of results, progress has been slow. While study design, participant recruitment, and disseminating results to community partners is not easy, it is possible with directed, intentional effort. The goal of this workshop is to move from “talking the talk” about increasing study diversity to “walking the walk” with our biomechanics research. Our presenters will discuss historical context for both the need for and lack of diverse study samples, practical actions to take into your research, and how to approach human subjects research from a more equitable lens. The workshop format will consist of speaker presentations followed by small-group discussion centered around key action items. This workshop will provide practical actions that can be taken to reduce barriers to sustainable inclusion of diverse individuals in all parts of the biomechanics research process, while also providing space for open discussion and self-reflection. Facilitators will offer tools and resources for participants to take away from the workshop to help effectively engage with individuals in the community from diverse backgrounds and include them in all parts of the research process. This workshop is intended for all individuals involved in human research, from undergraduate and graduate trainees through established investigators, and the speakers will offer action items tailored to various career stages. The workshop is a collaboration with International Women in Biomechanics, Black Biomechanists Association, and Latinx in Biomechanix.

WS6: (De)Form and Function: A Generalized Technique for Incorporating the Mechanical Power of Deformable Structures

August 5th, 2024, 11:00am – 1:00pm

Eric Honert 1, Kota Takahashi 2, Daniel Davis 2, Lauren Welte 3
1 Boa Technology Inc., 2 University of Utah, 3 University of Alberta

Workshop Overview

The ‘distal power’ calculation (also called unified deformable segment analysis) has wide applications in biomechanics, including (1) understanding energetic functions of the foot and ankle across various locomotion tasks, species, or populations (e.g., individuals with and without pathologies) and (2) quantifying energy storage and return from assistive devices, such as prostheses, orthoses, and footwear. In contrast to traditional inverse dynamics analyses, the distal power calculations do not require identifying joint centers and can account for mechanical work performed by non-rigid structures, thus contributing to a more accurate estimate of the whole body’s energy. In this workshop, we encourage participants from various specialties within ASB to learn and apply distal power calculations in their research areas, including but not limited to sports or clinical biomechanics, comparative biomechanics, and orthotics & prosthetics. Attendees will gain exposure to emerging technologies (e.g., biplane video radiography, tensiometry) to understand energetics at the tissue level, which can supplement knowledge gained from distal power analyses. Sample data files from human gait will be provided and attendees will learn to perform distal power calculations, primarily using MATLAB. Prior experience with MATLAB is desired, but not required, as the lecture components will cover applications across a broad spectrum of biomechanics. This tutorial will also include a brief overview of distal computational in Visual3D software – however, Visual3D is not required for this workshop. Attendees are encouraged to bring data from their labs for an interactive discussion with the workshop instructors and other attendees.

WS7: Recurrence Quantification Analysis for Movement Science

August 5th, 2024, 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Kolby Brink 1, Aaron Likens 1, Tyler Wiles 1, Seung Kyeom Kim 1
1 University of Nebraska at Omaha

Workshop Overview

Human movement entails coordination across many components (e.g., limbs, neural activity, and respiration) in order to move about the world and maintain upright posture. All those processes are typically assessed using traditional linear analyses (e.g., mean and standard deviation). However, linear analyses fail to capture changes in movements and coordination that vary as a function of age, disease, and experimental contexts. To address that limitation, modern time series methods are needed that can reveal insights as to how movement patterns (e.g., joint angles) change over time, and how those changes covary with changes in physiological processes (e.g., respiration). To address the multidimensional nature of human movement, this workshop will introduce both basic and advanced forms of Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) that have not been previously presented at ASB. This workshop will educate participants on (1) mathematical theory underlying RQA, (2) hypothesis testing using RQA on human movement and physiological data, (3) best practices for applying RQA to biological data, (4) and easy to use software for performing hands-on analyses with basic and advanced methods of RQA. All techniques will be applied to workshop-provided data, but attendees are encouraged to bring their own data. College-level algebra and a basic proficiency with MATLAB is recommended but not required. Participants of all backgrounds including researchers, clinicians, and students of all levels are encouraged to attend.

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